Saturday, January 24, 2009

my first post!

hello all blog followers!

so I do not have a lot of time to blog today and instead of updating you on the things I have been doing ... I want to update you on the positive thoughts I have been having. Every nasty cloud has a silver lining - right?

Well the second and third nights were a bit difficult and I started to feel that homesick - why am I doing this - 4 months is daunting - thing ... but in the nights following as I started to feel homesick again I realized that it is kinda nice ...

I spoke with some people and they couldn't wait to be here cuase they wanted to leave whatever they had at home and for maybe one of the first times in my life, i felt VERY VERY secure in my life! My friends, my family, my academics and social schedule ... it was all perfect and I was very content.

This expereince is going to be amazing and I am sure going to prove that no regrets will be necessary so being "homesick" is just a beginning thing and I am sure will go away ... but being "homesecure" is something that I am excited to feel now and excited to hopefully feel more of. Coming here, and even in just a few short days, has given me an appreciation for not only the life I have back in the states - my family and friends and the nice circle I round daily, but the states themselves. The culture here and the place is great!!! but it has shown me that I reall am a proud american!

ok - that is all for now .. but as I travel and such and have more thoughts - I will share!

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