Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lost in Translation

Language is such a funny thing ... have you ever thought about how it is weird that we do not say a country's name in its' own language? For example, we do not say Espana, we say Spain. I understand that at some point we would face difficulties when trying to spell out the country name in its' origin language, but even so ... If we were taught the country name in its' own language originially, it might not be so hard.

Another thing about language - I feel fortunate to know English. It seems like such a go-to language. Our common denominator is English or better yet, BODY language. I watched an interaction between someone from Asia and someone from Greece. The person from Greece was working at a coffee counter and the person from Asia was trying to purchase something. The Greek woman started by speaking in Greek and then went to English. The Asian woman stuck with the language she knew. When they both realized they were not understanding each other or getting anywhere, they moved on to body language. They pointed - the Asian woman pointed to what she wanted and the Greek woman pointed to the numerical sign with the cost.

Truth is - we all do speak the same language: body language.

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