Saturday, February 21, 2009

Things I'd Never done before Spain ...

This one I will keep updating ...

- Gone to Sevilla, Granada, Lisbon, Cadiz, Malaga, Dublin, Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid, Sintra, Algarve (Albeifera), Marbella, Morocco, Greece (Santorini & a little bit of Athens)
- Been to Africa!!! (the 4th continent I've seen)
- Lived with a Spanish family
- Kissed in the rain
- Eaten: bacon, ham, mussels, clams, OH SO MANY THINGS
- Taken non-Spanish classes in Spanish
- Taken Yoga in Spanish
- Had a shot of Absynthe (don't do it)
- Stayed in a hostal
- Riden a bike on a cobblestone street
- Drank a pint of: Guiness, Smithwicks, Bulmers
- Sun bathed topless
- Gone to a movie alone
- Seen a Spanish film without English or Spanish subtitles
- Swam off the African Atlantic coast!, in hot springs, in the Agrarian sea, in a large body of water when I could not touch the bottom without a life vest
- Rode a donkey

Monday, February 16, 2009

3 x 5

John Mayer - 3x5
¨I'm writing you to
catch you up on places I've been
You held this letter
probably got excited, but there's nothing else inside it
didn't have a camera by my side this time
hopping I would see the world with both my eyes
maybe I will tell you all about it when I'm
in the mood to lose my way with words
Today skies are painted colors of a cowboy's cliche'
And strange how clouds that look like mountains in the sky
are next to mountains anyway
Didn't have a camera by my side this time
Hoping I would see the world with both my eyes
Maybe I will tell you all about it when I'm
in the mood to lose my way
but let me say
You should have seen that sunrise with your own eyes
it brought me back to life
You'll be with me next time I go outside
just no more 3x5's Guess you had to be there
Guess you had to be with me Today I finally overcame
tryin' to fit the world inside a picture frame
Maybe I will tell you all about it when I'm in the mood to
lose my way but let me say
You should have seen that sunrise with your own eyes
it brought me back to life
You'll be with me next time I go outside
no more 3x5'¨

This song came to mind as I was walking the streets/mountains of Lisbon this past weekend. I couldn´t help but wish that so many people were with me to experience what I did, see what I did, and feel what I did because I truly wanted to share the feelings. I do believe that the experience was shared with such great people - Ben, Daniel, Scott, Lex & Christina made my memories (which couldn´t be captured within the dimensions of a picture) unforgettable, however, I do believe that the people you make memories with and share memories with have the ability to impact the memory itself. Therefore, I did take pictures and videos because I do want to take my family and friends with me to experience my dreams and travels with me! A post will be coming soon with some videos - check out facebook for pics. To go along with John Mayer´s song, I can´t completely explain how my weekend was or how amazing my experiences were ... I hope pictures can say more than a 1000 words - ENJOY! DISFRUTAR (which reminds me ...) I thought a lot about that word this weekend. Disfrutar directly translates to mean ënjoy¨but I feel like the word enjoy doesn´t mean as much as difrutar does ... my point is that throughout my travels I continuely am trying to remind myself to ¨disfruta el momento¨!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So I haven't written in a while 'cause I can't completely figure out if I'd like to use this blog as a place to put more profound thoughts, as a random update on my travels, or a combo of both: as a little combo of both I would update by saying I went t Granada this weekend and it is absolutely gorgeous! I love how places you visit can remind you of other places you've been ... for me it was an Israel Puerto Vallarta combo. It's a city of layers - if you will - up top are snow capped mountainsa and hidden in between the very narrow streets is a mizxture of culture and history ... GO IF YOU GET THE CHANCE! (and if not ... check out my pics on facebook)!

For the other part of my cybercombo ... the profound thoughts: Time during Travel - its insane how fast it all goes! I can't believe that half of Feb. is basically over! but aside from that ... my thoughts on TimeTravel are how fast you build bonds and relationships with the people you encounter. I have a core group of friends here in Sevilla and today I referred to them as my best friends - AND WITHOUT HESITATION! It was weird after I said it because I realized that I have only known them about 3 weeks and - some might say I don't really know them at all. I just think it is so interesting how the analysis of time is different while travelling.